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作者:孙如军, 唐艳   浏览次数:277
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摘要:为了克服电网干扰对用电设备的破坏,目前广泛采用UPS为敏感的用电设备供电。如何 消除各种各样的干扰对用电设备造成的影响,为用电设备提供高可靠性、高质量的纯净电源,是各 UPS 厂商面对的问题。介绍了数字在线不间断电源中提高输入功率因数的方法,通过实时控制输 入电流的波形,该UPS 的功率因数近似为1,总的谐波分量大大减少。
In order to overcome the destruction of the electrical network disturbance to the current collector, at present UPS is widely used as a sensitive power supply. How to eliminate the disturbance of the influence which creates to the current collector, provide the pure power source for the current collector, is a problem which each UPS manufacturer faces. The method of enhancing the power input factor in the digitized UPS is introduced. By controlling the input current profile, the power factor approximates 1, the total harmonic component reduces greatly.


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