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作者:赵书红, 谢吉华, 曹曦   浏览次数:226
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摘要:设计了一种基于Topswitch原GX 的电机调速开关稳压电源。该电源给系统控制板以及 IGBT驱动电路供电,并保证该开关电源的电压稳定。着重介绍了Topswitch原GX系列芯片的特点 及工作原理以及开关电源的设计,并重点分析了变压器的设计。该开关电源经现场检验,性能良 好,满足设计的要求。
A switching power supply for a motor control system is designed. The power supply for the control board and the IGBT driver circuits, it moreever keep the voltage steady. The feature and the principle of the Topswitch原GX series, and emphasizes on the transformer design, is introduced. This switching power supply is used in SRM control system and runs well.


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