The technology of combine power is adopted, it can realize structure -modularization in system through
paralleling power main circuit and exerting technology of parallel combined shift phase PWM, combine great power
photovoltaic grid-connected power equipment, improve fault redundancy capability of system, ensure system to work in
safety. The nonlinear decoupled control尧MPPT technology尧space vector PWM control尧current tracking method are
adopted in system, it can adjust power factor on grid, and have wide voltage range in this system. The 60kVA three phase
photovoltaic grid -connected power system made of three single phase 20kVA photovoltaic grid -connected power
equipment based on technology of parallel combined shift phase PWM have been operated.
中图分类号:TM615 文献标识码: A 文章编号:0219-2713(2008)02-0054-05