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PFC 电解电容的选型 |
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摘要:分析了电力电子装置中功率因数校正电路输出纹波产生的原因袁并给出了理论计算遥根据电路的不同用途袁分别从纹波尧寿命尧掉电维持时间等方面给出了电解电容的选型方法袁并用产品实例作了详细说明. |
关键词:纹波 寿命 掉电维持时间 |
The ripple of PFC 忆s output voltage is analyzed. The selection guideline of the electrolytic capacitor is given ac 鄄cording to different key targets such as voltage ripple, capacitor 忆s life time and power supply hold-up time. Some prod 鄄ucts 忆design examples with experiments illuminate the design progress. |
目前共有相关评论 2 篇。 |
| 宋红涛 2007-5-7 21:22:00 :为何打不开 |
| 李偉 2006-9-16 18:34:00 :怎麼点击查看不能看到啊? |