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24V/5A太阳能控制器设计 |
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摘要:介绍了太阳能电池的基本原理和伏安特性,提供了一套24V/5 A太阳能控制器的电路。该
电路将太阳能电池阵列与蓄电池直接耦合,采用低功耗的单片机P87LPC767 作为控制电路的核
蓄电池与负载的通断,实现对蓄电池的放电保护。 |
关键词:太阳能电池阵列;太阳能控制器;蓄电池;P87LPC767 |
The solar energy cell忆s basic principle and V -I character are introduced. A set of circuit of 24V/5A solar en鄄
ergy controller is provided. This circuit gets direct coupling between solar energy cell array and storage battery and
adopts low power consume single-chip microcomputer P87LPC767 as core in control circuit. The MCU measures voltage
of starage battery Real-time,controls charge voltage of solar energy cell array through PWM technique and switch on/off
of load by power device and realizes discharge protection of storage battery. |
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